Saturday, March 31, 2007

5 a.m.

Woke up this morning at the end of the drowning dream. Kept swimming furiously to the surface as it receded and my lungs felt filled to bursting. I fucking hate that dream. Jaw clenched and mind racing, I couldn't get back to sleep (it's Saturday, damn it all) and then, a thunderstorm came through. Two rounds of lighting and the rumbling of thunder and I slipped back into unconsciouness. Ahhh.


Anonymous said...

I don't know how the clap of thunder and lightning which is usually associated with water could lull you back to sleep after dreaming about drowning....

epiphenita said...

Yeah, I know. But I don't associate falling water with drowning.

For the record, I never associated running water with the urge to pee, either, until I spent 20 years with someone who did. Oh, I shouldn't blame her, it's probably a latent biological effect triggered by menopause and a serious aversion to dishwashing.