Friday, April 13, 2007

comments that make me sputter

Here is a good example of the kind of feedback that makes me worry about being the lead story of the Weekly World News when I snap.

setting: Associate Creative Director of Ad Agency to Copywriter, asking to add unnecessary fluff to a basic banner:
"Add a roll-over state. People love roll-overs"
"Well, if that's the case, why don't we add puppies to the ad? Because everyone loves puppies"
In my opinion, the perfect response. Puppies can also be replaced with 12 exclamation points or anything with that dazzling sparkle star.

This from a site that collects foolish quotes by and to Communications, Advertising and Marketing professionals. The Unholy Trinity.
But I'm 100% sure everyone gets these kind of comments in their respective professions.

Thank you, Barry for linking to this site.

1 comment:

Barry Baxter said...

Glad you like. Since they're way behind on updating, here's what I submitted: "We do understand we need to use the required brand standard templates,
but at the same time, we thought the layouts would be less template-y."

Also good for at least a chuckle a day is, which is updated several dimes daily.