Tuesday, October 03, 2017

pudenda puritanica

noun: pudendum; plural noun: pudenda
  1. a person's external genitals, especially a woman's.
mid 17th century: from Latin pudenda (membra ) ‘(parts) to be ashamed of,’ neuter plural of the gerundive of pudere ‘be ashamed.’

The rise of the Puritans in the mid 17th century and the linking of a woman's genitalia with the word "pudere" or "be ashamed"

Coincidence? I think not.

Friday, January 06, 2017

i carry her heart

Happy Epiphany! I nearly didn't make it. Spent this day at St Luke's Hospital while St Barbara went through pre-op tests for an atrial ablation on Monday. It's too much to explain but it's a good procedure that will probably give her a permanent break from atrial fibrillation, no small bonus. Still, I'm struggling with my normal ability to cram all my fear into good data and historic success rates. I just hate that a doctor is going to snake up through her femoral artery, poke her heart and burn the fibrillating parts. I really hate that.